Gayuh Ridho

Software Engineer Web | Frontend Engineer

👋 Hello! I am a frontend engineer with over 3 years of experience. I am very interested in modern web development, and these are my favorite tools: TypeScript, React, and Next.js. I am currently looking for new opportunities. Let's connect and work together to create something great and impactful!


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My Journey

This is a snapshot of what I have been through, the struggles I have faced starting from the smallest steps and becoming something very meaningful that changed my life.


July 2022 - July 2024 (Full-time Employee)

Software Engineer - Web Platform


Joined the great team at Enterprise as a web platform engineer, responsible for build and develop internal systems used by all Nakama (Tokopedia employees) such as MyNakama, MyFinance, Enterprise Marketing Solutions (EMS), and Internal Tools (Intools). Additionally, I contributed to several Tokopedia microsite projects such as Tokopedia About, Tokopedia Career, Tokopedia EMS, and Tokopedia Academy. By delivering the best results from the PRD and UI/UX designs that were planned and designed by the Product team. I write code in the best practice possible, making it modular and implementing clean code architecture. Using a cool tech stack such as: TypeScript, React, Emotion, Ant Design, Jest & RTL, and others.


April 2021 - July 2022 (Full-time Employee)

Web Developer


Joined PTIPD to build and develop several internal systems used by lecturers, students, staff, and employees, such as the Alumni Information System, Academic Information System, Research Information System, and others. As a full stack web developer, I am responsible for developing the systems from the database, backend, to the frontend as best as possible. The tech stack used includes HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, CodeIgniter, and PostgreSQL.


January 2017 - December 2017 (Part-time Employee)

Laboratory Assistant


During my studies, I joined as a laboratory assistant for Algorithm & Programming and Data Structure courses. I collaborated with lecturers to help deliver practical material and provide tutorials to students on the introduction to what program code is, how program code is executed, how to write good program code, and so on. The programming language I used was C++.


September 2016 - January 2021 (Bachelor Degree)

S1 Teknik Informatika


This is the beginning of my journey into the programming world, from someone who didn't understand anything to being able to learn many amazing things. I learned about Algorithm Programming, Data Structures, Programming Logic, Databases, Object-Oriented Programming, Web Programming, and much more.